Thu. Jan 9th, 2025

Exodus 19:20-25

In Egypt, the Israelites were cruelly oppressed by their enemies. When they couldn’t bear the oppression of their enemies any longer, finally they remembered their Creator and cried unto Him. Our Almighty God heard their plea in heaven and was moved with compassion. God sent Moses as the leader of Israel and performed mighty miracles through him and brought the Israelites out of the bondage of the Egyptians.

Now the Israelites were in the desert journeying towards the Promised Land Canaan and they reached near Mount Sinai under the leadership of Moses. Here, God came down on mount Sinai and called His servant Moses on the top of the mountain to give His laws and commandments so that God’s chosen people may obey the commands and live long in the promised land Canaan. Moses went up the mountain but before God could give His laws and commandments, God told Moses something important and that is, ‘Warn the people to not force their way to see me or else they will perish because the mountain which God dwells is holy’.

My dear people of God, forty days Moses was on the mount Sinai speaking to God and receiving the ten commandments but the Israelites couldn’t even look at the top of the mountain. God came so near to them but they were not fortunate to see Him or meet Him but only Moses had the privilege to meet Him, see Him and speak to Him.

Like the Israelites almost all the people who believe in Lord Jesus have a great desire to see Him, meet Him and speak to Him. We have heard only fewer Gods chosen people testify that they have seen Lord Jesus Christ or the Throne of God. Some in their dreams, some through visions, some in trance and some while praying etc.

Hebrews 12:14

Here the Word of God tells us without holiness no one can see God because our God is holy and He is perfect in holiness and there is no sin, uncleanliness, defilement or any fault in Him. Therefore, an unclean person who lives in sin cannot see Him or enter in His holy presence because His holy presence will consume him. The presence of God either builds His chosen ones or breaks the ungodly and unholy apart. For the holy and blameless, He is a cloud of peace but for the wicked He is a consuming fire. The reason Moses could see God and meet Him was that he was very humble, obedient, faithful and God-fearing but the Israelites were very rebellious and disobedient so God did not want them to perish in the wilderness. Therefore, He had strictly forbidden them even to touch the Sinai mountain where He was dwelling in His majestic glory. God’s presence demands holiness. Therefore, to see God or to meet Him or to dwell in His presence; holiness is required. Holiness in thoughts, words, deeds and actions is vital.  

Leviticus 10:1-3

Most of God’s people pray to God that, ‘Lord pour out more of your power and more of your spirit and use me mightily for your glory.’ Whatever they pray according to the will of God is answered. It is also God’s desire that His people be filled with His Spirit so that He can use them mightily in His vineyard and build His kingdom on this earth.

Aaron was a priest in the Old Testament. He and his four sons were ordained to serve God as priests. They were in the presence of God and were serving in Gods sanctuary. One day it so happened that his two sons Nadab and Abihu took censer and offered incense to God which was against God’s command and the fire came from the presence of God and killed them.

The closer a person is with God; the more holiness is required from that person. Nadab and Abihu were very close to God so their little ungodliness destroyed them. In the Old Testament we see even priest Eli’s sons who were serving in Gods sanctuary were killed by God because they were leading a wicked life.

Matthew 9:16-17

New wine will be poured out in new wineskins but if it is poured out in the old wineskins, the new wine has so much power that it will burst the wineskins and the wineskin will be ruined. To receive God’s presence and power, our minds should be totally renewed through the word of God and our heart should be completely transformed with the help of the Holy Spirit or else the anointing will destroy us. God’s anointing is holy because our Lord Jesus Christ shed His holy and precious blood on the cross of calvary and paid the price. Therefore, Gods anointing is not cheap.

In the New Testament we see Ananias and Sapphira in the book of Acts, who were serving God in the apostolic ministry with the disciples of Lord Jesus Christ but were killed by God in the house of God because of their hypocrisy and for taking God’s grace for granted.

In the New Testament people who are redeemed by the blood of Christ are under the grace of God but some believers who call themselves as the followers of Christ lead a hypocritic life like Ananias and Sapphira. Living in the light of Christ but doing the things that belong to darkness is not acceptable in the Kingdom of God. Our God is very patient with them and gives many more chances to repent and come back to Him in holiness and righteousness. The word of God tells us in Hebrews 10:26-31 it is dreadful thing to fall from the grace of God.

Therefore, my beloved people of God, always live in awe of Him. Let your hearts be fully sanctified and purified from all defilement of the world, then God’s presence and His power will exalt you to such a high level that you will become something from nothing because God will prosper you spiritually as well as materially.

How to become holy and blameless before God?

Ephesians 1:3-4

Before the creation of the world, our God Almighty made every provision for His people in His Son Lord Jesus Christ. So, in and through Lord Jesus Christ all things are possible. By living in union with Lord Jesus Christ, one can overcome sin, evil and temptation and bear the fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23 and become holy and blameless in the sight of God. All things are possible in Christ the King. Amen!


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