Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Fear and panic from your life has to flee in Christ the King. You are strong and confident because you are wonderfully made in the image of God. You can overcome every fear by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of hope, peace, joy, comfort shall strengthen you and help you overcome every fear of yours. Fear of darkness, heights, depth, future, exams etc., shall not have dominion over you because you are purchased by the blood of our Christ the King, and you are free from every captivity of fear. Fear cannot overpower you because your Christ the King has liberated you.

PRAYER: My Christ the King has blessed me with a very beautiful and bright future. Though today everything around me seems to be low but I have faith and hope that my day is coming like Sarah where the promise of God shall be fulfilled in my life. I shall be a testimony to the nations. I shall overcome every fear of mine in Christ the King. I am destined to do great and mighty things for God. I am unstoppable by any hindrances or obstacles of fear and panic because in Christ the King I am not afraid. Amen!


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