Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

1 Samuel 9:14-17

One day Saul a young man from the clan of Benjamin along with one of his father’s servants went in search of the lost donkeys of his father Kish. In olden days there were no vehicles so donkeys were used as a mode of transportation in Israel and also as a source of income. Despite searching everywhere for three days, they did not find the donkeys and Saul told the servant that my father instead of thinking about the lost donkeys will worry more about us so it’s of no use to search the donkeys so we will return back home. In those days there was no telephone or internet facility to connect with people.

The servant told Saul that in this town there is a man of God and whatever he tells comes true. So, we will go and enquire about the donkeys. He will direct us which way we should go. Both of them went and met Prophet Samuel and told him their problem. Prophet Samuel replied to Saul’s petition and told him that I have good news for you and the good news is that do not worry about the lost donkeys they have been found and besides this there is a greater good news for you.

Henceforth, you will not wander in the jungle in search of your father’s donkeys but you will sit on the throne of Israel and rule Gods people because He has chosen you as the king of Israel. My beloved people of God, not finding the donkeys was just a reason for Saul to come and meet the servant of God but in reality, it is our Lord God Almighty who brought him to His servant Prophet Samuel so that He may reveal His divine plan to Saul and anoint him as a king of Israel. Saul accepted God’s calling and God anointed him through prophet Samuel and he became the king of Israel and ruled the nation of Israel for 42 years.

My dear people of God your unsolvable problems are just an excuse to come to the revival meetings and meet the servants of God but in reality, God has a plan for you according to Jeremiah 29:11 because He has chosen you before the creation of the world in Christ Jesus His Son to know Him, understand Him, believe in Him that He is the one true living God besides Him there is no God and also to proclaim His mighty acts to His chosen people and make them His disciples. In the prayer service God does miracles and answers His people’s prayer and anoints them with His Holy Spirit and through His servants God reveals His plans to the so that He can use them for His glory.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

There are nine gifts and nine fruit of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. The fruit of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.

The gifts of the spirit are given by God to his chosen ones so that they may work effectively and powerfully in His vineyard and build His Kingdom on this earth and bring glory and honor to His name, but the fruit of the spirit we have to bear. In order to enter the Kingdom of God you need to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. Fruit of the Spirit is nothing but nature of God.

God’s children can bear the fruit of the spirit by living in union with Lord Jesus Christ through personal prayers and reading and meditating the Word of God daily because in this way you can abide in Christ and His Word can abide in you and you will bear the fruit of the spirit. Hence, you will transform into Gods image, which is the original will of God for you.

People who believe Jesus Christ alone is the one true living God and accept Him as their personal savior are blessed with various gifts of the Holy Spirit and these gifts are given so that you can serve in His vineyard but today, we see that only some people are serving and what about the rest? They just give excuses and do not do anything for His Kingdom.

Matthew 25:14-30

There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and they have been given for a purpose so that you may serve God and fulfill His plan in your life. The Bible tells us that God has an appointed time when He will come to take an account from His people. The Bible tells us that the one who had five and other who had two they worked hard in His vineyard and multiplied it and produced good result but the person who received one gift from God started giving excuses to the leaders and did nothing for God’s glory.

When God will come to take account of the talents He has given to His chosen ones, He will tell well done my faithful servant to all those who have worked hard and used their talents for Gods glory and will reward them in Gods right time. But to those who give excuses and did not do anything for His glory, God will just tell them two words: First: Lazy servant and Second: Unfaithful servant and the gift will be taken from them and will be given to those who work hard in God’s vineyard.

When God will come to take account of the talents He has given to His chosen ones, He will tell well done my faithful servant to all those who have worked hard and used their talents for Gods glory and will reward them in Gods right time. But to those who give excuses and did not do anything for His glory, God will just tell them two words: First: Lazy servant and Second: Unfaithful servant and the gift will be taken from them and will be given to those who work hard in God’s vineyard.

The anointing that you have received has a cost which was paid by our Christ the King on the cross of Calvary. Let not the cares, worries and pleasures of the world take you away from the divine call of God over your life and do not take that anointing for granted. We are the laborers in the vineyard and let’s not choose to be proud, hurtful, arrogant and boastful in His vineyard. Our Master has faithfully entrusted His vineyard by anointing you so let’s not take this for granted and misuse the authority and leadership given to you.

Always be humble, honest, faithful and trustworthy with each other while serving God wholeheartedly till the end like Joshua and Caleb the servants of God and you will reach the promised land peacefully in Christ the King our Lord and God. Amen!


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