Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Psalms 97:1-5 {Healing}

Here the word of God tells us what happens when the presence of God comes upon us. The problems which seem bigger than the mountains and which have no solution will instantly disappear and no trace of those problems will be found because the presence of God will consume it forever.

The long-standing sicknesses that are called as incurable sicknesses which the doctors cannot heal and on which medication does not work and there is no solution for such sicknesses in medical science shall melt like wax in the presence of God because in His presence mountain like strong, mighty and biggest problems have to melt in the powerful Name of our Christ the King. Every sickness that holds the people of God has to disappear in the presence of God.

So, there is healing in His presence not only physical but also mental, spiritual, financial, social etc. Physically people will be healed from incurable sicknesses, diseases, mentally people will be healed from spirit of anxiety, worry, fear, depression etc. Spiritually they will be delivered from spirit of blindness and deafness towards the gospel truth, financially they will receive deliverance from the spirit of poverty, lack, insufficiency, etc and socially they will be delivered from spirit of unforgiveness, enmity and hatred towards their brethren and live at peace with everyone by forgiving each other unconditionally. My dear people of God what a great heavenly treasure we receive when we live in the powerful presence of God.

Psalms 62:1-2 {Peace}

Moses the servant of God was leading multitudes of Israelites to the Promised Land Canaan. During the journey the Israelites were grumbling and complaining against Moses because they were very stubborn and expecting God should do instant miracles in their lives and fulfill all their needs at their own time. They had no patience to wait upon Gods timing in order to fulfill their needs and Moses was tired of their troubles and fed-up with this kind of behaviour hence he had no rest and peace and was overburdened so he thought of giving up but before he could give up, he did one important thing that is, he prayed to the Lord about this and guess what answer our Lord Almighty gave to His servant Moses!

Lord said one vital thing to Moses, ‘Moses my presence will go with you and I will give you rest.’ My dearly beloved people of God rest and peace is found only in the presence of God. There is no other way where Gods people can find rest and peace to their weary soul. Alcohol, smoking, addicting to drugs, and committing suicide etc, cannot give peace to our weary soul. Those people, who have no peace in their lives if they seek peace through these things, will not find peace but will only perish forever because our soul finds rest and peace only in the presence of God.

Psalm 91:1-7 {Protection}

When Cain sinned against God, the first thing that happened in his life was that he was driven out of the presence of God. Now Cain was worried about his life because he knew that only in the presence of God there is protection so he said to God, ‘Today you are driving me out of your presence, I cannot bear this punishment because anybody who finds me will kill me.’ Before Cain could murder his brother Abel even though God warned him yet Cain disobeyed God and killed his brother but our God is so compassionate that He felt pity on him and He put a mark of ownership upon Cain as a sign that he belongs to God so that no one could touch him or kill him.

Even King David was protected from his enemy King Saul of Israel because God was with him. Before David could become king, he was serving under King Saul of Israel. David was more successful than King Saul so Saul became jealous and tried to kill David but even after having power and authority; King Saul could not kill David as God was with David and His presence protected him.

All those who live in the presence of God need not worry about their physical as well as spiritual enemies because God will protect them from the snares of the enemies and from all hidden dangers. In God’s presence there is protection.

Isaiah 10:24-27 {Deliverance}

Once Paul and Silas, the servants of our Lord Jesus Christ were falsely accused by the enemies and were put in the prison and were tied with heavy chains. In the prison they were thanking, praising and worshipping God and suddenly the presence of God came in that place and the chains which tied them fell off and prison doors opened automatically and they were released out of the prison.

Thanking, praising and worshipping God creates an atmosphere for God’s presence to dwell in our midst and in His presence, we receive total freedom from the bondages and the spiritual yoke and chains of the devil tied around Gods people. People those who are in spiritual bondage will be set free only when they receive the powerful presence of God. So, if anyone is in bondage, stagnancy or barrenness in any areas of your life and want to be set free then you need to seek God desperately and must be filled with His Holy Spirit. The word of God tells us in John 8:36 [To whom the Son of God sets free he is totally free indeed]

Proverbs 21:30-31 {Victory}

Once some men came and told Jehoshaphat, the King of Judah that a vast army of his enemy was preparing to wage war against him and his people. On hearing this news King Jehoshaphat was alarmed because he knew that his defeat was sure so he and the people of Judah did 3 things: –

1. Prayed

2. Fasted

3. Worshipped God.

As they started thanking, praising and worshipping God, the presence of God came powerfully in their enemy’s camp and God put panic and confusion in the enemy’s camp and his enemies in panic and confusion killed each other thus, Gods people won victory over their enemies.

Money, wealth, smartness, position, influential people around us etc cannot bring victory in one’s life. After having all these things in life if Gods presence is missing in the life of God’s children, then everything will fail and we will be defeated in the journey of life. Therefore, to have a successful journey in life we need to live in the presence of God daily.

There is healing, peace, protection, deliverance and victory only in the presence of God. The presence of God is the solution to all your problems and answer to all your questions. In His presence there is fulness of joy, peace, prosperity, happiness, love and comfort.

There is healing, peace, protection, deliverance and victory only in the presence of God. The presence of God is the solution to all your problems and answer to all your questions. In His presence there is fulness of joy, peace, prosperity, happiness, love and comfort.

In His presence the barren becomes fruitful and every anxiety, worry, depression, tension, panic etc has no room. So, living in the presence of God is very essential to have a successful journey in life and reach towards our destiny peacefully in Christ the King. Amen!


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