Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

1. Job 1:6-7

According to the Bible our Almighty God dwells in the highest heaven in His majestic glory and there are angels who worship God, day and night and declare His greatness. In the Book of Job, we see that once when angels came to present themselves before God, He recognised an angel without garment of righteousness and holiness standing amongst them who had come among them, he is none other than the fallen angel the satan who disguised himself as an angel of light. God directly started dialogue with the satan by asking him where you have come from.

My dear people of God what did satan answer God? He did not tell that I have come directly from hell but said I have come from the earth where I was roaming to and fro. Our God is same yesterday, today and forever unchanging and faithful in fulfilling His promises made in the Bible in His children’s life so also the satan is same yesterday, today and forever unchanging in fulfilling his wicked schemes against the children of God. He was roaming to and fro on this earth from the beginning since he was thrown down from heaven, still he is roaming and will roam not to enjoy God’s beautiful creation but to devour the children of God who are trusting in the one true living God Lord Jesus Christ by bringing temptation, sufferings, false accusation etc in their life in order to destroy them. The question is whom does he devour? And the answer is in the word of God. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

2. Job 1:8

God asked another question to satan regarding His servant Job and said to him since you have come roaming to and fro from the earth have you considered my servant Job because I have a Character Certificate of his life. What was the Character Certificate about Jobs life? God told satan that he is upright and blameless, shuns evil and walks in the fear of God.

My dear people of God it is one thing to receive an appreciation letter or praise from the people and enjoy temporary happiness, but it is really great and wonderful thing to receive a Character Certificate not from man but from the Almighty God the Creator of heaven and earth, which gives permanent peace and joy for God’s chosen ones that which many are longing and seeking today. Job didn’t know that his Creator was watching over his life from heaven above on this earth to reward him in His right time.

Many of us do not know that God is watching over us and He has our certificate ready. This certificate is of our nature and character that we showcase when no one watches over us and yet we are determined to walk on the Godly ways however difficult it may be. Your reward awaits you for your integrity. Do not get disheartened when others accuse or condemn you for walking in righteousness, holiness and truth because every act of yours is recorded in heaven and at the right time you shall receive the reward.

Our God is an unchangeable God (Malachi 3:6), whatever He has done in the lives of the people in the Old Testament He will do same things in the lives of the people of New Testament in His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God everything uncovered. God rewards a person according to his deeds deserve.

Therefore, my beloved people of God decide whether you want people’s appreciation and praises and be happy little while or try your level best and do hard work to develop your character with the help of the Holy Spirit and receive Gods good character certificate about you so that you may enter into the divine peace and joy of Christ and rejoice in Him always.

What made Job walk upright with God and receive a Character Certificate?

3. Job 1:4-5

Job was not an ordinary man; he was a very famous person during his time acquiring great wealth and riches of the world and every person would highly respect and honour him. Such a great personality did not keep his mind and heart on the perishable things of the world like name, fame, position, wealth etc. instead he made the unseen God Almighty centre of his heart and gave first preference to God therefore, out of his busy schedule he would remove time to worship and seek God. Besides this he would intercede for his family daily. In otherwards he had a personal relationship with God which made him to walk upright with God.

You are a child of God and He is watching over you all the time. You may be harassed by your loved one’s for choosing the narrow path but your every sacrifice of reading the Word of God, meditating over it, praying, fasting, serving in God’s Kingdom, sowing generously in the Kingdom of God etc has a reward. May your life be a living Bible which reflects the character of our Lord Jesus Christ so that it may become a testimony to draw many towards the Kingdom of God.

Do not give up your Godly moral values due to the things that are happening around because God is closely watching you. What a privilege to receive character certificate and appreciation from the God Almighty! People of this world may flatter each other or may appreciate with various intentions but when your Almighty Creator appreciates you then surely it is the best form of appreciation that you can ever have in life.

People may defame you because you have chosen to do right or speak what is truth, but your loving Father knows your heart and He knows your every intention. He will always be by your side and when you have God by your side then you are never alone. At the appointed time He will uplift you and make His glory shine over you and all the sacrifices you made secretly will be openly rewarded in our loving Saviour Christ the King. Amen!


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