Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

We often find that God’s people fast, pray and submit their prayer request before God but even after fasting and praying they do not receive an answer for their prayers and they wonder and ask God a question, “I fast and pray yet why don’t you answer my prayer?”

1. Proverbs 12:22 (Lying Tongues)

A wise person always speaks what is right and just, but a foolish person always speaks lies and lives in falsehood and manipulation through his speech. One of the titles that the devil has been given in the Bible is that he is a father of all lies and our God is a God of truth. God demands truth in the innermost thoughts of a person. A person who does not give up on speaking the truth even in the most difficult situation that he faces belongs to the light. Nothing can hinder such person’s prayer to reach the throne of God and receive answer from God. God hates the lying tongue, but He delights in the man who speaks truth.

2. Proverbs 12:18 (Reckless Words)

Today many of God’s people live in hurt and rejection because somewhere someone spoke harsh or reckless words and pierced their hearts. The worldly and ungodly people on getting angry or jealous towards others use the physical sword to destroy them but in the Body of Christ the ones who get angry and jealous on their brethren use the invisible sword that is their tongue to pierce the hearts of their brethren. In the first part we read the difference between wise and foolish and here as well we understand by their speech whether they are wise or foolish. A wise person is always cautious about his speech and even before he could speak, he is careful as to how his words will have an impact on others. He always speaks encouraging, comforting, and soothing words but foolish person speaks anything which is insulting and disgraceful and later tells do not feel bad as I just told it without any bad intention, but the Word of God tells us that out of the overflow of our heart the mouth speaks. The person who is wise knows to control his tongue while speaking but foolish person has no control over his tongue. This is the second reason why some of the people’s prayer does not reach the throne of God.

3. James 3: 5-6 (Gossip and Slander)

We see in the Old Testament when the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were leading wicked life God brought a heavenly fire and destroyed them but today God’s people use their tongue by gossiping and slandering to put fire in the relationship of one another. We see that relationship between the family members and close friends are broken because someone somewhere put fire among them. A foolish person is always unfaithful to one another and do not know how to keep secrets of others confidential but a wise person; whom the Bible calls God fearing will be very faithful towards each other and will not disclose the secrets by gossiping and spoiling others reputation. The Word of God tells in James 5:16 that prayer of a righteous/faithful person is powerful and effective. These are the 3 reasons why some of their prayers do not reach throne of God. Therefore, we need to sanctify our lips so that our prayer may reach the throne of God and be answered without any hindrance. Amen!

Matthew 16:19

My dear people of God when a person comes to Jesus Christ and believes and accepts Him as Lord, God, and Saviour of his life, his sins are forgiven, and Christ comes to live in him in Spirit. This is called Salvation and Salvation is a gift of God and along with this gift he receives one more gift from God. Do you want to know which gift is it?

The gift is God’s own power and authority and what type of power and authority is it and what is the purpose for it being given to God’s children? It is the authority to bind devil and his work and the authority to receive heavenly blessings. To operate in these authorities God has given us 3 keys and the first key is the Name of Jesus, second is the blood of Jesus and the third is the Word of God.

When you use these keys and bind the devil and his works it will be bound in heaven and people will receive deliverance on this earth and when people use these keys then miracles happen, and God’s people will be blessed. This authority is not only given to preachers but every child of God. Is it not a great privilege to have God’s own authority with us? But unfortunately, some of God’s people are not operating in this God given authority do you know why? It is because while using this authority we use our mouth, lips, and tongue. Some of them use their tongue to tell lies and to manipulate while some use their tongue to gossip and slander, and some speak harsh words by their mouth. Then how can the authority and power of God operate from such lips?

Isaiah 6:1- 8

Isaiah was the great Prophet in the Old Testament. Before God could call Isaiah as the Prophet for the nation, he had a vision of God and His glorious throne. In the vision he saw a huge throne of God and God seated on the throne and above the throne there were angels, and they were worshipping God by saying Holy is the Almighty God. They were using these words and worshipping God because God is perfect in Holiness. When Isaiah realised that God is full of holiness he trembled with fear because in His presence nothing unclean or unholy remains alive. Everything will be consumed by His Holy presence.

He confessed in the presence of God and said, ‘I am a man of unclean lips.’ As he confessed God touched his mouth with fire from the altar through His angel and his lips were sanctified. 

After that God used his mouth for His glory and he became a great Prophet of God, and his book is full of prophecies and besides this the birth and death of our Lord Jesus Christ is prophesied through him.

If you have committed sin through your tongue and if you repent today God will sanctify your lips and your tongue will carry power and God will use your tongue to pull down and destroy everything that does not belong to the Kingdom of God. AMEN! 


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